Tamarack Therapy Dogs

Breathe easy, you’re about to find that loyal friend. The one who will stand at your side, ready for your day, no matter the weather.

Available PuppiesText Laura

Raised in Our Home with Love

One of the biggest difficulties in getting a new puppy is the transition to your home and lifestyle. There is a whole new routine they need to learn. We aim to make this transition as easy and successful as possible. This is why it’s so important to us to raise our puppies in our home, so they learn they can love and trust people from the moment they are born.

Our Dogs Have Long, Healthy Lives

The most painful thing for a family is pouring their heart and love into a dog and then losing that dog too soon. For this reason, we carefully use as many tools as we have available to confim our dogs are genetically and structurally as healthy as can be.

Matched to You

Many people think any Poodle or Labrador they get will be the same, only differentiated by color and sex, but, just like your kids, even puppies with the same parents will have different personalities and interests. We use temperament testing to evaluate our puppies, so we can help you select the perfect puppy for your lifestyle. There are no good or bad dogs, but there will be a good or bad dog for you.

How We Think About It

The way we think about it, our dogs aren’t just pets, but family members. We want them to be wonderful companions who love being with you, whether that’s hanging out on the couch, sleeping at your foot during dinner, or going for a long walk in the evening.

We want you to enjoy the time you spend with your dog, whether they’re your relaxation buddy when you get home from work or whether they’re with you all day, supporting you in your needs. Regardless, the dog should bring joy to your life, otherwise, why have one?

As a breeder, we know what life with one of our dogs can be, so we do everything we can to create that for you, so you’re successful. It starts with healthy breeding dogs, raising puppies who are healthy and have a love and trust for people, and it extends to setting you up for success with your dogs by helping you understand the little tips and tricks that we’ve learned over the year.

We give you great potential and we are excited for you to turn that potential into the dog of your dreams. We’ll help you along the way as best as we can, but we respect that the dog is yours, we are on your support team, but you make the decisions.

Did You Know Many of Our Pups Are Already Working Service & Therapy Dogs?


The dogs features on the right (and in Success Stories) are already operating in the world, making it a better place! Click to read their stories and learn more.

Will the next one be yours?


Rose went to Blue Path Service Dogs, a program dedicated to matching service dogs to families that...


Remi was placed with Freedom Guide Dogs, particularly working with the blind. He's currently with...

Teddy – Autism Service Dog

Update:  Teddy has been officially matched with a child!  He is now moving forward in his training...

Cypress – Seizure Alert Service Dog

Cypress has been matched with a 15-year-old boy as a seizure alert dog. As though he immediately...

More than Hypoallergenic

Many people think Poodles are popular because of their coat type, thinking they’re only benefit is that they don’t shed, but that’s just the start of the Poodle story. Poodles were bred with versatility in mind, but they were bred to bond with their owners on a deep level, giving them powerful intuitive abilities. They won’t just read the room, they read your soul.

I’d love to share more about why Poodles make wonderful therapy and support dogs.

Calm & Consistent

Our Labs love to be with you. They don’t need you to make any special accommodations for them, although they do love it when you have leftovers. They are great in the family, always eager to please, finding enjoyment in working with you. 

I’d love to share more about why Labs make wonderful therapy and support dogs.

Curious how the dogs and puppies live?

We like to think of our home sort of like the 100-acre wood, except, for us, about half of that is a lake, that’s part of the inspiration for two water-loving breeds.

Ready to get a puppy?

Starting the puppy application is the best way to get started. There are no right or wrong answers, but it gives us a place to start our discussion of your hopes and plans for the dog. When we understand what you need, we can set you up with the perfect pup.

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